As a recently ordained minister, I'm reminded of Genesis 1:27, which reads: "God created man in His own image." And, in the deity's infinite wisdom, anticipating the protestations of wide a-Woke liberals who might one day take issue with His use of the word "man," the verse continues, "Male and female, He created them."
Even so, each individual is unique. As a result, everyone has a proprietary arc of life, which means, contrary to any and all efforts to artificially impose equality of outcome, also known as equity, no two people are alike. And thus, given any group with identical goals, there will always be those who excel and those who fail.
Imagine a dozen newborns... 6 boys and 6 girls, an assortment of ethnic and genetic backgrounds, all with inherent skills and talents awaiting development. As much as each child was created in God's own image, as they grow and mature, there will be 12 different outcomes because of countless familial, cultural, geographical, social, economic, educational, and a host of other influences, none of which can be legislated by equity-obsessed politicians.
Other impediments to equity include basic biology and physiology, scientific facts wide a-Woke liberals demand be ignored, even though certain immutable developmental realities are impossible to overcome.
Equity is an artificial construct; it's a sociopolitical ideology, not a science. For example, a petite female will never play a down in the NFL; that isn't equitable, but there's this pesky science called physics. A 5'4" 125 pound female receiver might line up in the slot, but a 6'5" 265 pound male linebacker would put an end to equity immediately after the snap.
Fortunately, countless other opportunities exist for her and all the other people who'll never score a touchdown in the NFL. Those opportunities are based upon the principle of equality... meaning everyone is afforded the same chances for success. The difference between equality and equity lies in the outcome. With equality, everyone sinks or swims based upon their individual merits... there's a chance for failure. Equity, however, attempts to guarantee an equal outcome for everyone which, of course, is as ludicrous as it is impossible.
Undeterred by all those inviolate realities, wide a-Woke liberals continue to insist on equity being the arbiter of all decisions, whether in education, business, sports, politics, and all sorts of other human interactions and endeavors. In a free society, they're doomed to failure, of course, except...
By increments, we're losing our freedoms; they're being eroded by Woke ideology imposed over time, the goal being a tipping point beyond which America is no longer the land of the free. It's happened many times before... Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela... it's happening right now in Canada, and it can just as easily happen here, too. If it does, all the joys of equity will be imposed upon us in its purest form, ensuring everyone...
Will be equal in their misery.