In retrospect, that should be the word uttered by everyone, especially those who, for nearly three years, refused to even consider the possibility that the origin of the coronavirus might not have been a bad batch of bat soup.
The CDC, NIH, WHO, and an entire alphabet of other, supposedly expert organizations, perpetuated the bat soup scenario, and anyone who dared pose a dissenting view was persecuted into silence. The Biden administration based almost all of its coronavirus decisions upon the advice of Anthony Fauci, most of which has since proven to be fallacious and, perhaps, self-preservational... and not from the virus. More on that later.
These were your choices:
You were a conspiracy theorist if you believed the pandemic originated in a laboratory in China called the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a place known for its poor management and deficient safety protocols, a place where gain of function research was being conducted on... coronaviruses.
You were "following the science" if you believed a pangolin got together with a bat, spawning a viral mutation that ended up in a bowl of soup which then infected the guy slurping it who became 'patient one' for a worldwide pandemic that's so-far killed over 7 million people.
And the latter is exactly what Anthony Fauci, Joe Biden, members of his administration, democrat politicians, and the media promoted for nearly 3 years. America was locked-down because of it, schools, churches, restaurants, businesses, all closed based upon "science."
We were required to accept the bat soup explanation as gospel, especially when the man proselytizing from the pulpit was Saint Anthony, the Fauch, the most adamant proponent of scenario number 2... he punctuated his assurances it by saying, "I AM the science!"
But why did he so intransigently stick to the bat soup scenario?
Perhaps it was because Anthony Fauci was providing taxpayer dollars to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to fund illegal-in-America gain of function research? Avoiding culpability for a pandemic that killed millions of people would be the self-preservational possibility.
Or maybe he wanted to ensure the pharmaceutical companies received a steady flow of cash from government-mandated vaccinations, companies in which an awful lot of Anthony Fauci's cronies and other politically powerful people were heavily invested? Fears of naturally occurring viral mutations would be enough to keep people coming back for boosters ad infinitum. That would be a profit-driven possibility.
But now, it appears the walls of deception are crumbling; the US Department of Energy is the latest to join an ever-growing list of organizations and people finally getting through to the last of the inculcated imbeciles who still believe the bat soup story.
It never made any logical or, for that matter, scientific sense, and yet, almost the entirety of liberal-dom believed it, proving... you can fool some of the people all of the time and you can fool all of the people some of the time, but...
You can fool fools forever!