Imagine the smartest person on planet earth; now imagine... oh, let's say, one million others almost as smart. Next, connect them all together, meaning the sum of their knowledge, experience, and expertise is shared equally, then add another amplifier... when one person learns something new, everyone else knows it instantly.
That explains Artificial Intelligence, except the example provided is the AI for Dummies version. Actual Artificial Intelligence is infinitely smarter than any interconnected collection of geniuses, however large that crowd may be. Far more troublesome... for those who've actually contemplated the potential for disaster, is that even the smartest people amongst us, experts in the field, are admitting they have absolutely no idea what Artificial Intelligence is capable of accomplishing... or destroying.
Well, that's not exactly true; they HAVE expressed their concerns that Artificial Intelligence, like the evils loosed from Pandora's Box, has the potential to bring an end to the human race. And why wouldn't it? There are very few things less logical to a cold, calculating uber-computer than 8 billion emotion-driven, resource-consuming, war-waging creatures laying waste to the planet. The question should be when, not if, Artificial Intelligence will get to work ridding Mother Earth of her carbon-based parasites.
That's certainly a sobering consideration to contemplate, but... have no fear, Joe Biden, who's totally bereft of intelligence, inherent or artificial, has appointed someone to investigate. On Thursday, the first meeting was held; Joe Biden's choice to head the investigation into threats posed by Artificial Intelligence? Kamala Harris. Obviously, we're doomed, unless...
The cackle shorts out its circuits.