Don't Be Penny Wise and Pound Foolish...
It's difficult when you lack wisdom and you're also a fool.
You have to consider the source, but... Joe Biden once called his son, Hunter, "the smartest person I know." Assuming Joe Biden made that assessment based upon his own level of intellect... or lack thereof, he's probably right, but the question is begged: Why would such a brilliant wit attempt to reduce his child support payments when doing so opens him up to court-ordered financial disclosures that could very well ruin the Biden Family Business?
Joe Biden presents himself as a family man, his wife, the esteemed "doctor" Jill, is all about kith and kin. So why do both refuse to acknowledge their granddaughter? Just because the child was born out of an assignation between a stripper and a meth addict... better known as Hunter, that's no reason to deny her existence. Joe Biden has sniffed just about every other child, why not his own granddaughter?
But those are rhetorical questions reserved for cold-hearted hypocrites, the more cogent question is this: Why would the smartest person Joe Biden knows not only attempt to place his child in financial hardship but, in doing so, risk exposing his father to the potential for disaster if there's a connection between his heretofore hidden financial machinations and the "Big Guy."
To avoid that looming disaster, all Hunter Biden would have to do is grab the old coke straw to blow out a few extra paintings, sell them to undisclosed buyers, and send the proceeds to his baby-momma. Easy-Peasy, the problem would be solved. But no... apparently, Hunter Biden can't muster even the slightest bit of decency, let alone a little love for his own daughter, to continue providing the financial support he previously agreed to pay. Either thar, or he's even dumber than Dad... which would be quite an accomplishment!
The following warning is attributed to Benjamin Franklin, someone who actually was a brilliant wit: "Don't be penny-wise and pound foolish." Good advice, but... whilst the Biden Family Business is all about the Benjamins, Hunter, obviously not as bright as touted, is ignoring that warning... he seems intent on risking all those pounds for a pittance. I wonder what Joe thinks?
Oh, that's right... he doesn't.