Mathematics is racist, so is history, geography, advanced placement classes, and the scholastic aptitude tests. But English is the worst of all... not only is the lingua franca racist, but it's also oppressive, hateful, and violent... or so we've been told.
Those declarations were made by the self-assigned monitors of language, almost exclusively liberals, wide a-Wokesters who've been hard at work deciding what words and terms are acceptable and which aren't. As a result, the language is being sanitized, synonyms and euphemisms are being put forth, each designed to diminish the aggressive and oppressive nature of a language which, all of those other things aside... we're told, represents imperialism, colonialism, and slavery. By extension, that makes everyone who utters a single English word, a racist. Well not everyone, just those who force others to speak it; the worst amongst them pedants who dare insist the language be used correctly!
A very talented wordsmith once wrote... in English, this exchange of dialogue between party-goers in the movie, Manhattan, with Woody Allen playing the role of Isaac, who begins the conversation with: "Has anybody read that Nazis are going to march in New Jersey? Party-goer: "There was this devastating piece about that on the op-ed page of the Times; it is devastating!" Isaac: "Well, a satirical piece in the Times is one thing, but bricks and bats really get right to the point." Party-goer: "Oh, but really biting satire is always better than physical violence." Isaac: "No, physical force is always better with Nazis because it's hard to satirize a guy with shiny boots."
In summary... words can be harsh, but violent? As Isaac suggested, there isn't a single word in the English language... or any other, that hurts as much as a brick or a bat. As for satirical pieces in the Times, the only mentions of Nazis these days come from those trying to change the English language, and they only use it when referencing Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, or other conservatives.
Meanwhile, amongst countless liberal-centric synonyms and euphemisms we're being forced to accept... and use, lest we face cancellation, are the following...
"Unhoused individuals, non-binary persons, cis-gendered people, intellectually different, women's health, gender-affirming care, undocumented persons," and a host of other nearly unrecognizable substitutions for words and terms used for centuries.
Which is to say, "Homeless people, homosexuals, heterosexuals, mentally retarded, abortions, medically unnecessary hysterectomies and castrations, and illegal aliens," amongst so many other pre-woke words and terms long a part of the English vocabulary. Oh, I forgot one... we can no longer say "doddering, incoherent, senile old man;" we're supposed to use "Mr. President," instead.
And just how does changing the vernacular help anyone? Well, of course, it doesn't, nor does it solve a single problem.... and America is facing many of them. Shakespeare once wrote... in English, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Substitute rose with what you'll find smeared on the sidewalks in any American city these days, and the line becomes, "would smell as foul."
The substitution for rose being... well, it rhymes with twit.